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The Bosch series 3rd phase - bird headed monster

This is the man-eating monster drawn on "Garden of Earthly Delights" right panel.
I think that it is famous in the monster which Mr. Bosch draws.
Seemingly according to a report, this is Satan who sits on a toilet bowl.
Slightly fearful, but he is covered with a water jar on the head. And wears a flower vase as shoes. It is very lovely.
Such points are the charm of the Bosch work.

Terms of use
Drawing data is exhibited by the pdo file.
In order to use the file of pdo form PEPAKURA Viewer is required.(FREE)
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All images on this website are protected under copyright.
It forbids reproducing, correcting them, reorganizing them and reselling the drawing in this site without notice, without permission.
Normal version No line version(For experts) |
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When you use glue, make sure the room is well-ventilated.
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How to make
Pepakura viewer sets up before printing.
Configuration → Print configuration
line width=1
Resoltion(for bitmap print)=high or middle
(Very high is required in a mass memory)



L_arm01, L_arm02, L_hand01, L_hand02

R_arm01, R_arm02, R_hand01, R_hand02, R_hand03
Palm (R_hand02) , Thumb (R_hand03)

body01 and arms

leg01, leg02, body02

shoes01, shoes02, shoes03
man01, man02, man03, man04

Unite the head and upper body.Next, lower body and shoes.

Handrail portion - chair_side03, chair_side04, chair_side05
Be careful of the position and direction to combine.
Legless chair portion - chair_side01, chair01
Lining - chair_side02, chair02


Thrust man into a mouth. Explore a good place suitably about an angle and the depth.
Glue the man to white portion of a right hand. Then, man is stabilized.
Bend cloth gently.
It is completion. Thank you for the working.